Live from The Wrestling Factory, Manchester, UK. Saturday 15 September 2012: Show Report by Mark Lockey. Referee: Bulldog Billy MC: Brett Linforth Corner Men: Chris and Dave. PA (Sound) Andy. Camera: Andrew.   A distinct International gathering at the Wrestling Factory today for "Uprising", Pippa L'vinn's latest ladies wrestling show. There was a high percentage of European ladies from Hungary, Germany plus Ireland, Scotland, and Canada as well as England.



Pro. Style Match: Viper v Rhia O' Reilly:   2 Wrestling Factory debutants opened today's show with a Celtic offering. Viper from Scotland took on Rhia O'Reilly from Ireland. Viper applied her strength from the outset with a collection of arm bars; each time nicely reversed by Rhia. Both ladies were testing each others' strength. Rhia attempted to gain control with a camel-clutch. However, Viper soon gained the upper hand. This very evenly matched contest finished with a facebuster and pin in the final minute. A great opening match !  

Mat Based Contest: Viktoria v Mutiny:   The next match had a real International flavour with Hungarian regular Viktoria measuring up against Canada's Mutiny. Viktoria looked stunning in a green bikini whilst the French-Canadian lady looked equally glamorous in a tiny blue two piece. The Hungarian used her height advantage early on by gaining an initial submission via a smother hold. The action continued with both ladies applying holds at will including facesits, leg locks and scissors. Mutiny equalled at 1-1 as the bout gathered momentum, finally concluding with a narrow 5-4 victory. Possibly the raunchiest match ever at the Wrestling Factory ?


Pro. Style Match: Alpha Female v Shelby Beach:   A Classic England v Germany encounter next as the blonde bombshell, Shelby Beach, fought another show newcomer: Alpha Female. The impressive looking German lady did a lot of posturing in the ring prior to her opponents' entrance. Shelby was certainly going to have her work cut out in this bout, potentially against her most muscular - though glamorous with it - adversary, ever. In the first clinch, referee Bulldog Billy got in between both girls and was still sandwiched within them both as all 3 fell to the canvas ! Plenty of strength holds and counters took place. Alpha Female gaining a near fall with a 2 count, with clever use of the ropes by Shelby to thwart her. Shelby was successfuly managing to counter everything the German lady threw at her, to her immense credit. Alpha Female continued with her impressive athleticism though, shelby maintained her incredible resisitance and started to come back into the match, taking the fight to her opponent, at one point having Alpha tied up in the ropes. Such was the strength of these two, the ring was literally moving. A 3 count roll up concluded this chaotic, yet enjoyable match.  

Pro. Style Tag Match: Fiona Frazer & Jade Stryker v Kirsty Love & Bette Noirre:   Both Fiona and one of her opponents: Bette Noirre were debuting today. Fiona locked up with Kirsty Love at the outset - Kirsty flew straight into the action with a scissors hold and headlock. A brief costume pull was applied by Fiona as this fast and frenetic match really got going. Bette was tagged in and soon found herself isolated in the corner, Jade then entering the action soon after. Ms. Stryker was a real powerhouse and she double teamed with Fiona at Bette's expense with Kirsty becoming very frustrated at the treatment being dished out to her partner. Kirsty then tried to take things into her own hands by entering the affray illegally. Bette continued to be worked over until she fought back admirably. Utter carnage unsued as a separate fight soon developed outside of the ring. The bout finished with a tap out close to the end of the time limit. 


Pro. Style Match: Viper v Gail Jillette:   Viper, making her second appearance of the day faced a late addtiton to the card: Gail Jillette. Gail is always welcome here as the pretty redhead is fast becoming a real crowd favourite. This match developed with a quick pace; Gail was taken down then retaliated with a waist lock on her opponent. Viper was strong and sexy, applying vicious blows to Gail's mid section. Gail - though caught on the ropes at one point - fought back and forced a 2 count. This bout was becoming fierce and heated. Viper using her strength to apply a crotch-hold and slam to Ms. Jillette, resulting in a 2 count. The match finished with a clothesline and splash for the 3 count. A great contest.  

Mat Based Contest: Antscha v Mutiny.   The penultimate match before the interval saw the pretty French-Canadian Mutiny, return to face another Hungarian opponent. This time it was Antscha, making her first appearance of the day. This was a fierce but fun Mat Match, including Powerslams and Sleeperholds as the pins racked up. Such was the pace of the contest that it was difficult for the refereee to keep an exact count of the scoring. A very high scoring bout concluded at 7-3. Suffice to say that Mutiny certainly brings something extra to her matches. She obviously enjoys her wrestling to the full and is very vocal throughout  -  a real crowd pleaser !  


Pro. Style Match: Lisa Fury v Alpha Female   The action resumed after the break with Alpha Female returning to take on the lovely Liverpool Fireball: Lisa Fury. Lisa, a firm crowd favourite, entered the ring visibly showing an incredible new six pack ! After the initial lock up her larger opponent grabbed Lisa in a waistlock and slam. This was cleverly reversed by Lisa and then countered by Alpha who applied a backbreaker. Alpha soon showed Lisa she was not be be messed with and took the match to her with a footstomp. Lisa, undeterred, reversed the next hold, Alpha countered with an eye rake. The match continued to become unpredicatable with each hold and move being thwarted by its recipient. Both girls came close with a series of 2 counts. Then, inexplicably, one wrestler left the ring and was ultimately counted out !


Tag Match: Pippa L'Vinn & Shelby Beach v Antscha and Black Widow.   A loud round of applause greeted the first appearance of the day for Britain's best and most beautiful wrestler: Pippa L'Vinn, aided by her tag partner Shelby Beach. Pippa  looked fantastic in a black all in one costume whilst Shelby Beach looked equally stunning with a Union Jack bikini. Shelby locked up with the Hungarian who wore a very brief black bikini and soon had Antscha in an aeroplane spin. Pippa was tagged in  - looking determined and focused. Coventry's own Black Widow: Jordan E, joined the action and was soon the victim of a Pippa L'Vinn single leg Boston Crab. The match continued at a frenetic pace with Pippa incredibly agile and alert, gaining a 3 count. The action continued with Shelby and Pippa switching in and out of the ring in an attempt to catch their opponents off guard. A conclusive 5-1 result brought this furious encounter to a close.  

Pro. Style Match: Fiona Frazer v Rhia O'Reilly   A change of pace from the last match as two girls of similar size and stature faced each other. A series of slow, deliberate arm holds and reversals, followed by a good takedown by Rhia.fThe Irish lady compounded this with a Full Nelson. Fiona, to her credit, withstood the opening offensive manoeuvres from Rhia. Rhia then had Fiona in a variation of a figure four Leglock and followed this up with a clothesline, which acquired a 2 count. The bout finished with a Tap Out.   

Pro. Style Match: Gail Jillette v Bette Noirre   Next up, another Pro. style match. Bette Noirre taking on Gail Jillette, both in black swimsuit/leotards. Bette wasted no time in letting Gail know she meant business with a kick to the chest. Gail recovered and responded with a backbreaker, gaining a 2 count. This developed into a very sporting contest and also a great technical bout - one of the most enjoyable of the day. Gail reversed Bette's strength hold with a dropkick which gained her a near fall with another 2 count. At one point, both girls could possibly have been counted out as they both slowly gathered to their feet after facing a potential double count out. This great match climaxed with a small package roll up.  

Mat Based Contest: Lisa Fury v Viktoria:   This match proved to be a fun, athletic, immensely enjoyable contest. Although Lisa may have been out of her comfort zone - as she usually does Pro. Style matches - she adapted very well and excelled. Viktoria gained the first fall then the next. Lisa then aquired a 2 count before trailing to yet another fall. At 3 falls to the good, Viktoria, at this stage, looked odds on to achieve a resounding victory. This was not the case as Lisa fought back superbly and in a very high scoring match the winning wrestler finally emerged with an 8-4 result.  

Pro.Style Match: Black Widow v Kirsty Love:   The penultimate match of this classic show brought Black Widow to the ring in her first singles contest of the day. Kirsty Love with her stunning hair colour, perfectly matching her outfit, was her adversary. Black Widow opened the offensive with a series of slaps to Kirsty's chest that literally echoed around the venue. This was successfully repeated by Kirsty as each sought to wear each other down. Kirsty was then the victim of a vicious low blow. This fiery match continued with an awesome bridge from Black Widow, briniging much applause from the audience. Kirsty then had Black Widow in a camel clutch, which was countered. A potentially winning crotch-hold and slam from Jordan was kicked out by Ms Love, who then gained a 2 count after a vicious facebuster. A 3 count pin concluded this superb match.  

Rumble:    The final match of this enthralling show was the traditional Rumble  - the last girl standing would be declared the winner. No prizes, no gimmicks, just an all out battle of strength, cunning and ingenuity as each lady was all out for herself. The 2 initial wrestlers  - were joined in the ring at 45 second intervals by another wrestler, emerging from the locker room. Pippa L'Vinn took on Viper in the opening exchanges, closely followed by: Fiona Frazer, Bette Nous, Gail Jillette, Alpha Female, Shelby Beach, Lisa Fury, Rhia O'Reilly, Black Widow and finally, Kirsty Love. This fast and frantic bout developed into a very entertaining melee.  

Summary:   Another superb show with everything (and more) one could ask for - fast paced Pro. style excitement with Mat Based action that really caught the imagination of the audience. This show covered just about every aspect of ladies wrestling Some superb performances, including exciting, eye-catching debuts - the new girls always highlight the enormous potential that exists in ladies wrestling today.  A very encouraging sign for the future of professional ladies wrestling in the UK and, indeed, overseas. Yet again, another magnificent triumph for all who took part and especially to Pippa for arranging and hosting the event. For those of us fortunate enough to have witnessed the action - we all felt honoured and privileged just to have been there. For anyone who missed the show - do the next best thing and buy the DVD - you will not be disappointed and come along next time - I guarantee you will be hooked ! A Special Thank You to Pippa and all of her team who work so hard to bring us such wonderful entertainment....   Next Show :  Saturday 1 December 2012 Mark Lockey


And don't forget : DVD of the show and downloads now available !!